Просмотр полной версии : Dota 2 Update - February 13th, 2017

14.02.2017, 10:45
- Added Drag & Drop of items in your inventory in the pre-game strategy panel.[br]- Fixed a bug where in Chinese lines after newlines were sometimes not being drawn.[br]- Desaturated the default items in the hero loadout screens.[br][br][ Dota Custom Game Animations ][br]- Added ability for Dota custom games to register custom animation lua scripts to run when a model loads.[br]Before a model is loaded (ie. at the beginning of addon_game_mode.lua) you must register a custom animation script:[br] RegisterCustomAnimationScriptForModel( "models/heroes/medusa/medusa.vmdl", "animation/heroes/medusa/medusa_custom.lua" )[br] [br] Дальше... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/27483/)