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Старый 15.11.2024, 04:00   #1
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Post Team Fortress 2 Update Released

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Improved matchmaking performance
  • Improved matchmaker behavior for users with less-than-ideal ping levels. The matchmaker should now be quicker to put you in the best available region.
  • Improved matchmaker decision making for cross-region parties
  • Added error messages when being ejected from the matchmaking queue due to connectivity or authentication failures, rather than the queue simply silently vanishing
  • Fixed the matchmaking settings dialog frequently failing to display any datacenters
  • Fixed multiple cases of in-progress casual matches abruptly terminating or failing to be assigned any new players if the game server ever loses connection to Steam
  • Updated the Mountebank's Masque, Courtier's Collar, and Harlequin's Hooves cosmetic items to fix issues with their paint regions
  • Updated cp_gravelpit_snowy
    • Fixed a script issue
    • Improved performance
    • Improved clipping

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